"I Live to think for myself. I refuse to be a mindless sheep following the crowd into cookie-cutter oblivion. Otherwise I'd just be a zombie with no heart or passion in life" - Hervey Taylor IV

Ringing in the New Year!

Saturday, December 31, 2011

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At this very second, some of you have already entered the new year. Some of you are waiting for it to happen in approximately 36 minutes. Some of you have to wait even longer than that.

Some of you are passed out drunk. Some of you are alone. Some of you are regretting that person you kissed at midnight. Some of you are wishing that your midnight kiss is going to be with that special someone. Some of you are already taking in your two hours of 2012 with a good nights sleep.

But me... I'm at home with my family. Starting our New Years tradition of movie marathoning. We have already watched Captain America (way better than I was expecting), Water for Elephants (excellent! Can't wait to read the book), and Hanna (saw it with my sister previously and thought it was alright. What was I thinking?! Obviously I was on some kind of pain killers or in a state of utter confusion because that movie was horrible. I just wasted 2 hours of my life. Turns out... I wasted 4!! When will I learn!?).

Tomorrow we have Unknown, Super 8, The Help... and possibly Crazy Stupid Love if I can convince my Dad to watch it with us. Love that movie. Love Ryan Gosling! I don't think I am going to win my father over with Ryan Gosling's incredible charm or looks.

So, no parties for me. No boys to kiss at midnight. No drinks to be had (actually my mom and I are enjoying some refreshing Mike's Hard Lemonade so that is always fun). No fancy dress. No fireworks, or streamers, or sparklers. Just movies.

And as my friends text me to get together and asked what I was up to over and over, I didn't feel the slightest bit of regret to saying no. This is possibly the last year in a very long time... if not ever that I will be spending New Years with my family. So no, I don't want to party or put on sparkly makeup. I don't want to watch the ball drop in a crowded room half filled with strangers half filled with close friends. I want to spend it here, on my couch in my comfy pajamas with my family.

2011 was such an amazing year. I met amazing people. A city full of wonder and magic (Boston). I had new adventures in D.C., Maryland, Virginia, and New Orleans, NYC, Pennsylvania. I reconnected with old friends. I lost friends. I was excited as my sister moved away and entered a new life for herself in Pennsylvania. I fell down some stairs. I became an alumni of Pi Beta Phi. I turned 21. I cried. I let people go. I karaoked.  For a whole wonderful year I lived. Which is more than anybody can even hope for.

So no. I am not going to break tradition this year just because I am expected to go out with everybody. Not when this is the last year I won't have to break tradition.

This year was beyond spectacular... why would I start 2012 off with anything different?

And just like that... 2011 slips into 2012 seamlessly.  And I just have this feeling that something spectacular is going to happen this year... either the end of the world or something much much better ;)

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